Are you curious to how you can become lighter, fitter, and look YOUNGER in just 12 weeks?

Are you curious to how you can become lighter, fitter, and look YOUNGER in just 12 weeks?

You have been struggling with your weight resulting in people pleasing, HIDING, and lacking in confidence.

You secretly admire and wonder how other women have the body you so desire but you constantly progress/regress and it’s beyond frustrating.

It’s about really understanding how your beliefs are playing out onto the food choices you make.  We have a lot of beliefs that don’t serve such as diets are bad, weighing myself hurts my weight loss and more.

Heightening your awareness to this will help you on this journey that can prove to be frustrating and confusing when you want to lose weight.

ood is here to fuel you nutritionally and should be pleasurable, every single bite!

It will not help you deal with your boss, your spouse, or your child. I have moved towards a healthier relationship with food and all that nourishes me.

Another way to master your mindset that will help you shift emotionally to transform into the Lightandluxebody is when you learn the art of receiving.

It’s when you don’t allow fear to take you out, and respond lovingly with your heart. It allows for you to raise your vibration and give more to others, not less.

It’s a deep resonance you feel instead of letting your fear-based mind take over to make decisions.

You want it so badly, yet you hold yourself back (I know this one well).

2019 is really time for you to RECEIVE the LIGHT.

Trust me, if you’re following me, you know I wasn’t always the LightandLuxurious Woman.

I never thought I could lose the weight and keep it off. But I did, a step at a time.

Remember, you have your unique gifts to share that leaves an impression on those around you.


Claim your light and feel lighter in your beautiful heart!


I have been in the fitness and wellness industry for over 20 years supporting, guiding and mentoring busy professional women and moms over 40 who are overwhelmed by their weight and in need of an effective, sustainable approach that will become their new normal lifestyle, without the struggles and diets. READ MORE

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