Hello Gorgeous, 

Imagine: The picture you have been seeing for yourself in your mind is no longer just a picture in your mind but your living reality!

You are standing in front of the mirror in your home or gorgeous hotel room, getting ready for an elegant dinner in the city, amazed at what’s being reflected back to you. 

You are rocking that gorgeous little black dress you have been eyeing for quite some time at the department store! 

You are no longer anxious, stressed, or in hiding where you have been squelching your true desires to go on vacation, eat out with friends, shop and do everything that lights you up. You do not isolate yourself from social situations because you feel overweight, unattractive and uncomfortable in your own skin. 

You are ‘tasting’ the reward of everything you have done to get yourself to this point. You have released the desired amount of weight you had been struggling with (for more years than you care to remember.) 

You are free of feeling self-conscious about your appearance. You have come to a peaceful relationship with food and turned off the nagging inner voice that kept saying, “What’s wrong with me?” 

When you look in the mirror, you see a beautiful glow reflected back to you as the healthier, nurturing foods are working their magic. You look and feel younger! 

Food choices are no longer giving you anxiety nor do you fear that if you eat something you love, you will lose control. You savor every bite and eat in a way that feels natural to you as you are no longer struggling with what to eat (and learned luxurious pleasure is a requirement!)

YOU are that successful woman you have always admired who lives her life on her terms and goes after what she wants. 

You see beautiful women throughout the day wherever you go and you don’t have to wonder and feel frustrated about why she is so successful at keeping her weight down and looking so chic and you can’t? 

Every outfit looks fantastic and women are looking to YOU as ‘that woman’ who’s so successful at getting the body she really wants instead of the other way around. 

Imagine in just 12 weeks from now….  

  • You’ve stepped into a fitter, lighter, more luxurious version of YOU and have lost your first 10 pounds (or more) making you feel sexier, confident, and more comfortable in your own skin.
  • You look 10 years younger, because you’ve mastered Luxurious Eating and learned which foods are feeding your cells for glowing skin and which foods to avoid because they cause inflammation. 
  • You have doubled your energy and joy for taking action in your life — nights out with girlfriends, Pilates classes, shopping adventures and travel. 
  • Life feels “delicious,” and your confidence is sky high. You’re magnetically attracting what you want in your life because you love yourself and have gained body confidence. 
  • You’ve stepped into living the Light and Luxurious Woman’s Fit Lifestyle, living with the mentality of the woman who has released the weight and keeps it off; she chooses to live life by her own successful design – permanently. 
  • You have become connected to pleasure again in life vs. denying everything disconnected & frustrated, getting rid of abuse, using your senses, intuitiveness, savoring your food instead of scarfing it down. 
  • You indulge your feminine side and have released needing to be perfect. You are much more connected to who you authentically are and have come back home to you.

Are you a woman who: 

  • Has tried everything and totally frustrated with yourself at how many times you said ‘this was it,’ and lost weight, only to gain back even more weight? 
  • Uses comfort foods to soothe and cope with stress, anxiety and sadness – and once you start you cannot stop.
  • Is embarrassed about your body in front of your friends and family and stresses daily about what to wear? 
  • Is disciplined or ‘good’ all day and then blows it in the evening? 
  • Rewards yourself with food after a stressed out day leading to feelings of remorse and disgust – which lead you back to food and the vicious cycle repeats over and over again?
  • Is living in the ‘dark’- feeling disconnected and isolated from yourself, friends, and family – and would do anything to live in the light and truest expression of yourself?
  • Is totally overwhelmed by all the information and books you have, and can’t figure out how to implement it into your life? 
  • Has digestive distress after meals such as bloating, gas and constipation? 
  • Has trouble sleeping, remembering things and feels caught up in the ups and downs of your emotions which mirrors the ups and downs of the scale?
  • Pushing down how you really feel about things instead of expanding into the beautiful woman that you are? 

 All of this can change. And I’m going to show you the exact steps I took… 

Learn how one woman broke her lifelong habit of emotional eating and yo-yo dieting and totally re-invented herself in the 2nd half of her life to live with passion and purpose and finally live in her dream body. 

Hi, my name is Lorna Sophocleous. 

I’m a “tell-it-like-it-is” woman from New York who loves luxurious food, walks with my dogs by the beach, family time, being fit, and passionate to transform women just like you to release weight permanently, get into the best shape of your life, love your body (even after 40), and live life in a luxurious way. 

I am an internationally recognized, Board Certified Holistic Transformational Health & Weight Loss Expert, Women’s Empowerment Life Coach, Women’s Fitness Specialist, Barre and Pilates Instructor, Writer, Corporate Wellness Coach, Motivational Speaker and Certified Personal Trainer.  

I have realized from this painful journey it’s my deep passion and purpose in life to do this work with women so they don’t have to take as long as I did to get it handled. They can then go on to live their awesomeness. 

My exclusive Signature Program, “The Light and Luxurious Woman” provides the very much needed structure and a specific process that efforlessly supports you in achieving the success you desire that diets could never provide. 

My clients can then achieve their unique transformation and create a relationship with their body that isn’t about betrayal but is about confidence, love and respect. I teach women just like you the tools needed to lose weight naturally, as they defy aging. They love what they start to see reflected back in the mirror and how they feel each and every day. 

Simply put, it’s treating herself luxuriously in every aspect of her beautiful life. It is the exact opposite of the deprivation we unfortunately became accustomed to from years of dieting. 

You then live your life looking through the lens of a lighter, more luxurious version of you; the part of yourself that you disconnected from when you were not loving your body and at your ideal weight. 

This journey connects them back to the real woman inside who has been feeling disconnected from self to go on to living a fulfilled, confident, ‘light’ life in the spotlight. 

I have been a leader in the weight loss industry for the past 15+ years, working with the likes of LL Cool J’s personal trainer, New York Socialites and Female Executives, I’ve learned what really works for the real woman who wants everything elegant in life, including her experience of food. 

From this place, comes fast and permanent weight loss. It is also the starting place where we as women can design a lifestyle that we loves living. 

This is the place I operate from now… 

But I wasn’t always a Light and Luxurious Woman…. 

After countless years of yo-yo dieting and binge eating, I was ready to give up. Then I personally transformed my life from the despair and powerlessness of binge eating and yo-yo dieting. I have lost 25 pounds and have kept it off for the last 6 years – and I now lead women to do the same in their own personal transformation. 

My journey started in my mid-teens when I gained 25 pounds and went on my first diet. The cycle of diets continued and my relationship to food was quite tumultuous. I sought it out beyond the point at which it ‘did the body and mind good.’ 

Food was looked at from either a black or white perspective. I measured how ‘good’ or ‘bad’ my day was based on following a strict diet. 

 The frustrations of this cycle led to anger and shame. I was struggling to feel comfortable in my own body and I would put off things I loved to do because of how I looked. I isolated myself and didn’t do what I loved anymore – like travel, shop and dine out with girlfriends.  

“I didn’t know I was eating away something that felt quite painful and I was afraid of being judged about.” 

I could only see my relationship with my husband through the eyes of an unhappy, undeserving woman. I wanted to hide my body from him. 

The bingeing and yo-yo dieting was taking a toll on my body and I suffered with excruciating back and knee pain. My body was speaking to me, but I kept on abusing it with processed foods and tons of sugar, desperate to feel comforted and whole. 

I knew something had to change. 

I decided to get certified as a Personal Trainer, so I could educate myself about fitness – and I thought helping others would help me too. But the binges continued and the numbers on the scale were like a roller coaster. 

“I was ‘that’ trainer who looked like she wasn’t walking her talk, as I was overweight.” 

I was at a crossroads and didn’t know what to do and something inside me said if I continued on this road, I was not only going to live miserably, but have major physical ailments as well. 

So I signed up for an amazing nutrition course, thinking again that this would be the answer. We learned over 100 dietary theories, but in addition, something magical started to happen.

I had become the expert, so in tune to my body and what it needs to stay Light, Beautiful and Healthy. 

My weight had affected my relationship with my husband and I finally got up the nerve to leave my husband and start over. In my 50’s, no less! Now, I was no longer willing to live a life that was not completely of my own design. 

I had a burning desire to conquer my weight and was no longer willing to binge, yo-yo diet, abuse my body and stay stuck in a negative mindset about what was possible for me in this one short life we live. 

Armed with “insider” fitness and nutrition knowledge from studying with the world-renowed leaders like Dr. Oz, Dr. Andrew Weil, Deepak Chopra I finally began to start choosing to commit to loving my body and my life. 

 Then I discovered… 

As I began to prioritize self-love and ultimate self-care, I discovered that the foods I was eating and the WAY I was eating them, either supported my weight loss or sabotaged it. Through this discovery, I was finally able to release the weight permanently and have kept it off for over 6 years. 

Here’s the secret: When you follow the principles of the Luxurious Eating Experiment, and embody them as your own — you will never gain weight again. 

I am so delighted I finally made this discovery because I NEVER IMAGINED THIS PAINFUL JOURNEY WOULD LEAD TO PURPOSE IN MY LIFE!

It was the Woman I Became in the process. 

Today I enjoy the freedom of eating out, traveling around the world, picking outfits in the morning that I love to wear, spending time with girlfriends and living as a Light and Luxurious woman. I enjoy everything I eat to the fullest (this is required!), and no longer obsess that I will gain weight again.  

I know the secret to permanent weight loss and I’m going to share it with you now. 

I’m passionate about mentoring women into their personal transformation using the education I received and the skills I developed which worked for me to design a real, client proven, research based, signature system for women just like you. 

My system is for successful, professional business women over 40, who desire to lose weight and keep it off, come to peace with food and their body, and shine the spotlight back on themselves to come back to the women they know they really are. They want to defy aging and not succumb to what society says happens as you age. And their results speak for themselves. Just read their stories!

“Lorna’s work is nothing short of brilliant. I lost over 18.8 pounds in her 90 day program! Her style of coaching used my own self-talk to highlight both my negative thought patterns as well as my inner power, truth and strength. She also shared with me an abundance of fundamental nutritional information that, as attuned as I thought I was to healthy eating, was new and astonishing to me. 

It is precisely this combination of selecting supportive thought patterns and deliberately choosing and mindfully appreciating nutrition that is compelling and unique. Lorna is gentle yet direct, respectful and generous in her coaching. She is driven to empower women, and has a genuine love and passion for learning, which she directs to deepen and broaden her services. Thank you, Lorna, for helping me reconnect and empower myself with enthusiasm, anticipation and joy. I now enjoy wonderful self-care, including directing my talents to live authentically, while I love my body and natural good health.” 

 Laurel Diane Van Buren

“The best part is learning something new about my body/mind every day. I have so much more clarity and my mind is clear and open to receive and identify when there is something interesting going on inside or out. Another amazing part of the program is all the new foods, recipes, beauty products (and soon to be added cleaning products) that have been introduced into my life. The BEST BEST BEST part of the program is I actually SLEEP now. I SLEEP. I have tears in my eyes just typing this.” (Oh I did lose 4 pounds in the first ten days as well!)

 Jennifer Doherty

“After a very stressful and emotional move back to the United States, it was no wonder that over the course of a year I gained a significant amount of weight and, more importantly, my blood pressure was higher than was healthy. 

I started working with Lorna and I lost over 10 pounds, but more importantly, I decreased my blood pressure and got off high blood pressure meds and no longer suffer with the excruciating pain from heel spurs! I have never been so thrilled. 

Coupled with taking one-on-one Pilates instruction with Lorna and following her nutrition plan, I have changed the course of what could have been a disastrous road. This is not a miracle (well, it is kind of), but more of a “no brainer diet”. I could barely walk upon waking. Getting out of bed and placing my feet down on the floor was unbearable. 

Since combining Lorna’s Pilates (which is better than any strength-training class I have ever taken) and eating more natural, organic anti-inflammatory foods and spices that Lorna taught me into my daily diet, I no longer suffer from the intense pain from heel spurs and shoulder pain. 

I whole-heartedly believe that I could not have accomplished this pain-free life without Lorna’s help. 

My skin glows. My blood pressure is down. More importantly – the aches and pains – is gone!!!! What could be better than that? To live a life, free of pain, free of medication and looking 10 years younger is the reward.” 

 Mary Wilhelm 

In my proven Signature System, you will be guided through 7 modules teaching you the exact steps I took and I take my clients through for permanent weight loss. 

Here’s “The Light and Luxurious Woman” 7 Step Approach:

Strengthen your mindset: Get the life you want

Discover the limiting beliefs that no longer serve you and step into the mindset of the successful woman who loses the weight and keeps it off. 

Master a positive mindset through the powerful language you use daily so you won’t hold yourself back from what having the body you love.

Uncover your ‘food story’ to pinpoint the patterns and habits that led you to overeat as you step into a healthy relationship with food and get the clarity needed for long term success.

The Science: Pleasure & Luxury at its Best! 

Discover how luxurious, pleasurable foods will satisfy and quell your 3 pm cravings and urges to binge eat without boring, counting calories. 

Find out the number one secret to losing weight that will keep cravings and hunger at bay.

Discover the foods you should not be eating that you might have been told are healthy, plus the best ways to satisfy cravings when they do happen without ‘blowing it.’

Intuitive Eating, Mindfulness Practices and Self-Love (re-create your relationship with food): 

You’ll receive hands-on strategies to implement this tried and true ancient practice of mindfulness into your busy life and how this researched practice supports weight loss. 

You’ll understand the benefits of intuitive eating and how being mindful connects you back to your body’s needs. Take back body love and ooze confidence. 

Specific tools for self-love and self-acceptance which will affect how you honor your body with nourishing super foods.

Nutritional Knowledge/Whole, Nourishing Foods: 

Learn the latest research on the foods that will makeover your metabolism without giving up the foods you love. 

It’s not enough to know you get sugar cravings – we will figure out why you are getting sugar cravings so you will know exactly what to do when you are in the moment. 

You will get nourishing, delicious recipes for the foods that truly nourish and satisfy you – as you watch your cravings vanish!

Meet your fitness goals and make losing weight easier by building muscle.  

You can sculpt and tone your luxurious body using the latest science research which will re-shape your mindset about how to work out efficiently in the least amount of time.  

Learn which foods will help to build muscle and give you sustained energy for your workouts and for living your most luxurious life. 

We will strengthen your digestion system for optimal absorption and assimilation of nutrients that leads to gorgeous, glowing skin. 

Learn the foods that diminish bloating, gas and constipation – all of which are getting in the way of your weight loss efforts. 

You will learn the power of digestion to strengthen your immune system and is at the root of staying healthy and vibrant as you age luxuriously. 

Who you are, inside and out – are you creating more stress in your life?  

You will learn easy, results-oriented tools to implement and have at your fingertips when you need them to cope with your busy lifestyle.  

You will understand how stress can slow down your weight loss efforts.

In this 12 week program, you will receive : 

  • A luxurious welcome packet to fill out and return to me so we can customize everything according to your unique needs and tastes. 
  • 2-hour mini-intensive to set up your first steps in integrating your successful lifestyle habits. We will discuss Luxurious Eating Lifestyle Guidelines as you step into eating for power and fuel. 
  • Ten 60-minute private coaching calls (weekly)
  • Email support in-between the coaching calls for added accountability 
  • Workbooks will be provided to dive right into the foundation of living the best version of you. 
  • Easy, delicious recipes, snack ideas, juices, etc. 
  • Support with shopping lists to making getting what you need super simple. 
  • Custom list of blood work for doctors so you play an active role in your health when you go to the doctor.  
  • A library of valuable information to go back to when in need as you receive the results-oriented workbooks and handouts to develop a luxurious mindset practice which will help you to understand any limiting beliefs you have about losing weight, sabotaging behaviors, perfectionism and more 
  • Orientation packet to detox your physical environment and get you in the right success mindset. 
  • Links for easy online ordering of what you need to get started for supplementation (if necessary), superfoods, etc. 

Q: When can I expect to lose weight? A: If you follow the program, you will lose weight in the first week. 

Q: I have done so many programs and am not really clear about what it is I am doing wrong. Will this program help me to clarify? A: Yes this program will give you the insight you are looking for so that you can receive lasting results. 

Q: I don’t have a lot of extra time. How much time will I need to commit to? A: The Light and Luxurious Woman’s System will actually save you time because you will be organized in exactly what to do and have the convenience of everything you need coming straight into your inbox. The convenience and flexibility is the key to the incredible results achieved on this program. 

Q: Are there food groups taken out of this plan? A: No! You eat a normal, balanced diet to support and fuel your body with foods that have a high level of nutrition and you will learn what to eat based on your unique body’s needs. 

Q: I am quite confused from what appears to be very misleading information out there. Will you help me from feeling overwhelmed and anxious? A: Yes as my system is a new way of seeing things. You will learn that food is information and we will connect the dots to a new way of thinking and seeing your relationship with food. You will learn my unique formula for success where you will have a transformed relationship with food, be able to live your life as you have always wanted and know the secrets of how not to get overwhelmed from the overload of information out there. 

Q: Are we allowed any treats? A: Of course! You will understand from the Luxurious Experiment how to savor all treats and even how to eat just enough where you will be satisfied and not need to overeat. 

I have curated the most luxurious bonuses for you to experience yourself and your body, in the most Light and Luxurious way. I have carefully created each bonus to support you in your weight loss and lifestyle goals. 

You will be treated like a VIP and learn to care for yourself in a way that will solidify a belief in yourself that you are beautiful, powerful and deserving of self-love and self-care.

Light & Luxurious Bonus #1:

VIP Styling: Now that you have done the inner work and are losing weight, it’s time to “Step Out in Style” with your Virtual Styling Session with the incredible Sharice Styles.

She believes that a Personal Stylist is not just for celebrities but real women just like you! 

You will: 

● Prepare for the session by completing her questionnaire/assessment which will help Sharice gain clarity on where you need her help. She will give you the guidance, support and tools you need to get started creating your “signature style” that reflects ‘who you really are!” 

● Set up a Pinterest Personalized Style Inspiration Board 

● Set up an Outfit Board. 

● Create an action plan for your current style and what to do to improve it. You will be well on your way to personify the woman who lives “Light and Luxuriously!” 

Light & Luxurious Bonus #2: 

Your space reflects who you are and who you’re becoming. Your pantry is no different. Together we will look at what you have in your pantry and discover which items are supporting, and which are hurting your weight loss efforts. We will get your pantry stocked with everything you need to make prep easy and have you living and eating as the best version of you. 

Light & Luxurious Bonus #3: 

Private Pilates-Barre Private Session with Lorna via Skype ($150 Value). Meet your fitness goals with this winning combination of exercises, especially the best anti-agers for arms that are in shape! You will be in for such a treat with this private experience! 

You can do fabulous workouts in the privacy and convenience of your own home (or hotel room when you travel) – and I’m going to show you exactly how!  

 My Personal Message to you….. 

If you’re asking yourself, “How do I know this will work?” I’m living proof! And so are all the clients I have coached!

It took me half of my life to figure this all out and now that I have, I can teach you a much better way and relieve you from this struggle. I will hold your hand and take you through the shortcut to get you to the dream life and body you have been wanting for way too long. 

Shopping – which typically lit me up, had me filled with anxiety about whether or not I could find something I loved, that would fit and look good on me.

I was so unhappy and stuck, it affected every area of my life. I was disconnected from my true power and lost so many years. I was fearful to speak my truth and really be connected to friends and loved ones. 

“You can’t be the fullest expression of who you truly are when you are being pulled down by your weight.” 

I invite you to come out of the dark and into the Light & Luxurious life with me and all the hundreds of women who are now honoring themselves and their awesomeness everyday. 

To your Light and Luxurious Life, 


P.S. Your time is now, beautiful woman. Join the hundreds of women in the Light and Luxurious Community who are loving their healthy, confident life and bodies. Apply to work with me privately here.